Monday, January 6, 2020

Islam Is Based On Three Basic Fundamentals - 2746 Words

Islam is based on three basic fundamentals which is essential for the directing the life of its followers: 1. First principle is the Religious Beliefs which is also known as Usul al-Din which means Roots of Religion. This is the very fundamental core of the religion and gives it a basic tenet of life for the followers. 2. Second principle is called as Religious Practice which is also known Furu al-Din which means Branches of Religion and this defines the peripheral aspects of the religious practices pertaining to Islam. 3. Religious Ethics which are also known as Akhlaq and Adab which means Virtues and Manners of Conduct define the moral and ethical code of conduct as per Islam. These two very revered sources of knowledge and†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Salat: These means a true Muslim has to perform prayer five times a day. †¢ Sawm: Muslims should exercise self-control and purity durng the month of Ramadan. †¢ Zakat: Muslims should donate at least 2.5 per cent of their savings to the needy. †¢ Hajj: Muslims should be able to go for visit to the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina at least once in the lifetime. The major steps taken by the followers of the Muhammad along with him were the establishment of The Qur an which consisted of the disclosures the Prophet acknowledged recurrently ever since the time he started getting the signs from the God from 610 C.E. until his death in 632 C.E. The Islamic religion believed that the Qur an was straight connected by God with the help of the archangel Gabriel, and therefore, it is observed that it is without any errors and should be preserved in the original form. This book was the major happening of this time period and it served as the basis for moral and religious policies and values for the public association. Positive aspects Islam is a religion where science has always formed an integral part of religion historically and many leaders can be attributed to bring science to Islam. The status of Islam in current times has been associated with backward and regressive society and many other religions believe that Muslims are not compatible with science and technology. However, looking back at the

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